Web Accessibility Conformance Statement

This website adopts web accessibility design and conforms to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standard. Should you have any enquiries or comments on its accessibility, please contact us by e-mail.

Copyright Notice

The information available within this website may be re-disseminated or reproduced, provided that Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), as the source of information, is acknowledged and that the re-dissemination or reproduction is for non-commercial use.
Any other reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of the information available within this website for commercial use is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from the AFCD.
The AFCD and the HKSAR Government shall not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage arising from the information, or reproduction or re-dissemination of the information, within this website.


The information provided by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") on this website ("the Government's information") is for reference only. Whilst the Government endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the Government's information on this site, no express or implied warranty is given by the Government as to the accuracy of the Government's information.
This website also contains information input by other parties and users may link this site to other sites and obtain information provided by other parties (collectively called "the other information"). The Government expressly states that it has not approved nor endorsed the other information contained in or in connection with this site.
The Government does not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with this website. The Government is entitled to delete, suspend or edit all information on this site at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason. Users are responsible for making their own assessments of all information contained in or in connection with this site and are advised to verify such information by making reference to its original publication and obtain independent advice before acting on it.

Privacy Policy

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") is concerned to ensure that all personal data submitted through this website are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

For different purposes and at different times you may be invited to provide personal data to the Government through this website on a voluntary basis. Personal information may include name, telephone number, mailing address or e-mail address. The Government will specify the collection purpose and intended usage of your data when it invites you to provide such information and advise you how you may request access to or correction of the personal data provided.

This website uses SSL protocol to encrypt data during network transmission to protect your personal data. All personal data you provide to the Government via this website is secured, and access to it is restricted to authorised personnel only.

Unless permitted or required by law, the Government will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your prior consent.

This website does not use cookies to collect your personal data. When you browse this website, cookies will be stored in your computer's browser. The purposes of using cookies in this site are to remember the preference you have chosen (for example, your chosen language and browsing font size) in visiting this website in order to make your browsing experience simpler, easier and more personal to you. You can control the cookies used by this website by modifying the settings in your browser. If you disable the cookie, you may not be able to access certain areas or features of this website.

We will record visits to this website without collecting any personal identifiable information of users. Such general statistics are collected for the compilation of statistical reports and the diagnosis of problems with or concerning computer systems to help us to improve this website. We use such data only for website enhancement and optimisation purposes.

We do not use, and have no intention to use the visitor data to personally identify anyone.

Besides, search service on this website is provided by an independent contractor of the Government. We are advised by the independent contractor that it does not collect personal identifiable information while serving search results through this website. The independent contractor will share the anonymous data it collects through the search service with the Government for compiling traffic analysis on government websites. The Government will not match the data obtained from any such search activity with any personal data possibly held by the Government

Enquiries and Complaints

If you have any enquiries, suggestions or complaints on our services, you may contact us through the following channels:
You may send us your written enquiries, suggestions or complaints:
(a)by mail to:
Geopark Division, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon

(b)by fax to: (852)2314 2802
(c) by email to : geopark@afcd.gov.hk
You may also visit our office at 5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon. The opening hours of our Reception Counter are:
Mon - Fri : 8:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. , 1:30 p.m. — 5:45 p.m.
Sat - Sun & Public holiday: Closed

When you send us your suggestions, enquiries or complaints, please leave us your day-time contact number to facilitate our follow-up action.The personal data collected (including name and contact information) may be disclosed ONLY to the Government departments and Contractors responsible for handling your case. In case you would like special handling of your personal data, such as not disclosing those data to the Government departments and Contractors concerned, please specify it in your message so that corresponding arrangements could be made for you.